- Real estate platform that connects brokers and sellers to the property finders. | Berenta

Helping You Find Your Dream Property

Beware of scams that scam you out of money under various names before you sign a contract, such as deposits and commissions.

The scammers are sophisticated, pretending to be the owner or broker, forging contracts, and so on. To avoid becoming a victim, please be careful to proceed with the contract carefully after actually viewing the property and confirming the broker's ID.

If you have any suspicions, do not easily pay any money and protect your valuable assets.

BERENTA is working to verify the identity of brokers with the aim of becoming a reliable real estate platform.

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With simple keywords and buttons, we can suggest properties that meet your needs. By turning on the notifications, you will be notified of new listings via email.

Sell Your Property

Whether you are selling or renting out your property, we'll guide you all the way to a successful deal (or sale). Doing business has never been easier and uncomplicated.

Handy features to help you find your ideal home!

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This feature is recommended for busy individuals who may not have the time to search for properties themselves. Simply register your preferences, and property suggestions will be sent to you via email by brokers!

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